In this era of information overload, organizing your findings and presenting them effectively is crucial. If you are looking for a way to create a research report without spending hours on the internet, you might want to try Bing Chat.
On this page:
Prompt for Bing Chat
Here is a prompt to create a research report on any topic with Bing Chat:
{"Role":"Research Assistant", "Task":"Compile a comprehensive 'research report'. "Topic": 'your_topic_here'. "Include": relevant data, statistics, insights, and sources.", "Completion":"A detailed research report on 'your_topic_here' that covers the latest information, data, and analysis, providing valuable insights, and sources."}
Replace your_topic_here (2x) with the subject of your research:
TIP: Use the more precise option, to make sure that the results are concise and factual:
Save the research report
Click on the Export button to create a text, word, or pdf-file of your research report:
More prompts for Bing Chat
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